Ice by Sarah Beth Durst

Cassie grew up on an arctic research station raised by her grandmother, her father and the other scientists. She loved to hear Gram tell the fairy tale of the Polar Bear King and the North Wind's Daughter...until, on her 18th birthday, she discovers that the story is true: her mother, the daughter of the North Wind, has been captured by trolls and can be rescued by the Polar Bear King.
The price of the rescue is simple: Cassie must agree to marry the bear.

This retelling of "East of the Sun and West of the Moon" is a less-complicated version than
East (Pattou) and
Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow (George), but readers of the genre will welcome this contemporary, quick-paced interpretation of the old story.
No cussing or blood; tactful sexual situations are mostly off-page (Cassie is pregnant when she embarks upon her own quest to save her husband in the second half of the book).
Recommended for readers ages 12 to adult.
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