British teen Tessa is dying of leukemia. She has already survived treatments, remissions, and recurrence, and at the beginning of the book, she faces reality: she is dying, fast. And she's not ready yet.
Tessa makes a list of things she wants to do before she dies. Some are sweet, others are dangerous. She has nothing to lose, and she doesn't have much time. Sex tops the list. Drugs are #2. Travel the World is #7, but she's willing to swap that for Get Parents Back Together. Fall in Love isn't on the list at all...but it happens anyhow.
A friend describes this book as "the book Lurlene McDaniel wishes she could write, " and it's true: the McDaniel books all focus on love and death, but not much on life. This book is much better than that.
Not much cussing, but there IS sex, and drugs. And life. And death. Read it with a hankie or two handy.
Recommended for readers ages 16 and up.
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