Pretty Dead by Francesca Lia Block
Charlotte is a vampire. She collects beautiful clothing, shoes and handbags from the greatest designers, witnesses human tragedies all over the world, and now lives in Los Angeles where she befriends Emily, a human girl. When Emily commits suicide, Charlotte finds comfort in spending time with Emily's boyfriend Jared...and discovers that she is gradually returning to mortality.
In a genre that has been worked, re-worked, and over-worked, here is a new--and welcome--twist. The story is surprising and engaging, and told with the author's trademark lushness of language.
Sexual situations are common but mostly off-page; there is some cussing including a few f-bombs. And, of course, there is blood. It just wouldn't be a vampire novel without blood, after all.
Recommended for readers of vampire lit who want something new, ages 14 to adult.
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